Antomy and physiolghy

“Exploring the World of Weight Loss: A Research-Based Analysis of Different Nutrition Programs”

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For this digestion lab, you will be researching a nutrition program/procedure of your choice. 
The US weight loss market has a value of over $72 BILLION dollars.  This is a huge industry, and it is still expected to grow in the next few years.  Most of us have heard of weight loss products, programs, and even surgery to aid in weight loss.  Some would consider the programs safe, other find them to be dangerous.  You are going to choose a weight loss method and do some research.  
The following are some suggestions to choose from:
Atkins diet
Keto diet
Weight Watchers
Lab-band surgery
Sleeve (VSG)
Gastric Bypass surgery
Jenny Craig
Raw Food Diet
Intermittent Fasting
Ozempic (as weight loss drug)
Clearly, there are other programs out there.  If you have an interest, go for it! Please remember, this needs to be a program that you can research, not just your own ‘made-up macro-nutrient-pizza on the weekend diet’.
Here’s what you are going to do:
Follow research guidelines – DO NOT PLAGIARIZE and cite your sources (an APA or MLA citation at the end of each question will be good). Be sure your responses are based on research, not just your personal experience and/or belief.  
After you have conducted your research. Make two posts in this DB. 
Post 1: 
Tell the class about the diet you studied. Make a numbered list and include the following. All answers should be in your own words and 1-5 sentences (succinct).  
Name of Diet
In your own words, describe your diet. How does it work? How does this method result in weight loss?
Are there any nutrient groups/foods limited or banned with this diet?
Describe how this diet was founded or originated. 
How successful is this diet?
What are the risks involved?
Aside from weight loss, what are the benefits of this method?
What are the actual costs of this program?
Is this diet easy to follow? Explain. 
What are your sources for the information and why do you think they are credible? Use APA for your citations.
Post 2: 
Read the other posts in this DB. 
Choose one diet (from all the posts) for each of the following.  
the easiest to follow
the most healthy
the most interesting
Choose one diet that you consider to be unreasonable, unhealthy, or one to avoid. 
How so? What in the original post compelled you to choose that diet. 
Choose two diets that you consider to be sustainable. Why?
In your opinion, considering what you have learned. What is most important when discussing diet? 
Each module will consist of a discussion board. Discussion topics will be posted by the instructor, student will pick topics in class. Students are required to make minimum two posts in each module: One response to the topics posted by the instructor, and one peer response.
Requirements for each post:
1) Each post must be minimum 200 words (this includes peer response)
2) Students must respond using scientific facts/evidence
3) Students must use reliable sources/website to retrieve information
4) Students must provide citation or a weblink for information used on the post

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