
Incorporating Feedback and Revisions into Prospectus Title: Incorporating Feedback and Revisions into Prospectus: A Study on the Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health

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Incorporate feedback and recommendations received from course colleagues about the framework and significance of the study in this week’s discussions, and:
Input your updated framework in the “Topic Theories” section of the Prospectus Template.
Input your updated significance of the study discussion in the “Significance of the Study” section of the Prospectus Template.
Provide a list of 5 to 10 references in APA format that are relevant to the proposed study in the “Topic Literature” section of the Prospectus Template. Include 1–2 sentences with each reference to describe the relevance of the literature to the proposed study.  
Describe the proposed process for collecting data from the research sample and from any archival sources in the “Research Data Collection Strategy” section of the Prospectus Template.
Revise all sections of your Prospectus Template submitted in the Wk 7 – Prospectus: Research Methodology (Proposed Method and Design) and Research Questions assignment based on faculty feedback and the work you completed throughout this course. 
Review the directions above to ensure you meet the objectives of the assignment.
Revise the prospectus, as needed, based on feedback from previous weeks.
Update your reference page to include any additional references.  
Cite any new sources included in your revisions.
Format citations and references according to APA 7th-edition guidelines. Adhere to APA conventions by avoiding the use of first-person point of view. 

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