Techniques for Coping with Stress

“Managing Stress: Coping Techniques and Strategies for Students”

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1101 Introductory Psychology – Semester Project (APA PAPER)
For the Semester Project students will write an APA Style
paper to be uploaded in Blackboard (see
the course schedule for due dates). Students will build upon their project
by completing first the Topic Selection Essay, the Reference Page, and then the
Final APA Paper. The project will be graded on content, organization and flow,
grammar, mechanics, and adherence to APA guidelines. Students must cite a
minimum of three (3) sources (in
addition to your textbook). The course textbook is
required and must be used as a source. At least two (2) of those sources
must be peer-reviewed journal articles (i.e. they cannot be websites such as
Wikipedia, Web MD, or Mayo Clinic). Originality
in your final paper is important, please do NOT exceed more than five credible
sources.  Students should use Galileo
and Library Resources.  The paper should include
in-text citations (APA style) and have a title, abstract, and reference page.
The paper should have a minimum of 5 pages (this includes
the title, abstract page and reference page). The well-written paper should
describe/explain concepts pertaining to one of the Psychological Topics covered
in this course (see the list of topics in this folder and choose a topic for
your project). A drop box will be provided in Blackboard for the student to
upload the Topic Selection Essay, Reference Page, and the Final APA Paper.  No assignments will be accepted via email.
Please plan ahead.
assignments must be a Microsoft Word Document only and be typed in an
appropriate format (12 point, Times New Roman, left justification, double
spaced, and indented paragraphs).  All writing assignments should be
proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. 
This project accounts for 40% of
your semester grade. 
Selection Essay:  10% – Students will write an essay in
APA style format and upload via the designated drop box.
Page:  10% – Students will create a
Reference Page listing all of their sources in APA style format for their
upcoming paper, then upload the document via the designated drop box.
Paper:  20% – Students will make
corrections (if needed) to their Reference Page and include with their
final paper.  The final paper must
include all components (Title Page, Abstract, Body of the Paper, In-text
Citations and Reference Page).  Then
upload the document via the designated drop box.
Kowalski, K. M. (2000).
Coping with Stress.
Current Health 2, 27(1),
Miedziun, P., &
Czabała, J. C. (2015). Stress Management Techniques. Archives of Psychiatry
17(4), 23–30.
LOFTUS, R. (2024,
April 17). How can I help my child cope with stress of school?
A parenting expert offers advice for helping kids navigate school related
worries. By RIKKI LOFTUS. Brentwood Gazette Series (England), p.
13. Available from NewsBank: Access World News:
Spielman R., Jenkins W., Lovett M. Biopsychology; The
Endocrine System. OpenStax. 3.5, (3-5)

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