Design and Modeling

“Recommendation for Wind Turbine Investment in [Selected Country]: A Comprehensive Analysis and Design Plan”

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For your final assignment, you will write a recommendation to a collection of investors that are interested in building wind turbines in your selected country. You should structure your recommendation as described below. You should not simply just answer questions. You should investigate, provide background information, describe any design constraints, requirements, etc. You should write in prose and not in bulleted or numbered lists.
Introduction (~½ page):
Introduce your audience to the basics of wind turbines so that a non-technical person would be able to understand the fundamentals. Consider the following:
Describe the practical and theoretical basis for the use of wind energy and wind turbines (e.g., what they are, how they are used as an energy source, etc.).
Briefly describe the physical structures of wind turbines, how the work and areas where they have been/can be improved.
Background (~½ – 1 page)
This section should be based on what you submitted for Assignment 3, but should be modified based on faculty feedback. 
Discuss, on a global basis, the importance (or lack thereof) of wind energy. Consider:
What percentage of the total energy grid is supplied by wind energy? What about in the U.S., Malawi, or your specific country?
What percentage of the world’s energy comes from wind power?
Describe any local ethical, social, or political aspects impacting the use or need of wind energy for your specific country. 
Design Process of a Turbine (~1 page)
Scaling to full-size
Discuss product and project constraints for scaling your design from a tabletop prototype to a full-sized wind turbine.  
Project constraints include budget, personnel, and timeline. 
Product constraints are requirements that the product must have and are non-negotiable.
Initial Prototype
Describe your CEC 112 prototype and key design features. Explain the design choices you made. 
Discuss any changes to the design that would be necessary when scaling your prototype to full-size. 
Conclusions and Reflections (~½ page)
Summarize your recommendations to the investors reminding them of the key points of the paper. 
How have engineering and computing design topics discussed in CEC 112 allowed you to address issues associated with the themes of “Technology, Information & Society” and “Sustainability and Resilience”
References or Literature Cited
No specific format (e.g., MLA) is required, but citations are required and each citation must include the following:
Author(s) first and last names, title (for articles give title of article; for book sections, give title of chapter; for books give title of book), journal title or book title (nothing required if book), year of publication.
Citations must be made in the main body of the text where they were cited. Please cite in the order that they appear in the text and use numbers in brackets (e.g., [1]).
Formatting Expectations:
Minimum: 600 words
Spacing: 1-1.5
Length: 2 – 5 pages
Font: 11-point Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial
Structure & Organization Expectations: 
Sections are labeled
Multiple paragraphs per section
Number of sentences in each paragraph is reasonable appropriate
Organization of ideas is initial and paper flows well from start to finish
No run-on sentences

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