
“Seeing the Other Side: A Retelling of Little Red Riding Hood from the Wolf’s Perspective” It was a beautiful day in the forest, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. I was out for a leisurely stroll when

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Now it is your turn to play around with perspective. Select a story or event and re-tell it from another perspective.  You don’t have to be 100% factual.
One of the easiest things to work with is a fairy tale (such as telling the story of Cinderella from the step-sisters’ point of view), but you are not restricted to that genre.  Other ideas include re-telling a historical even from the non-victor’s perspective or telling a story from a non-main character point of view (such as in the previously mentioned musical Wicked or the book The Other Einstein).  
You can have fun with this and take the newscaster’s perspective as he/she waits for cue cards or stumbles on pronouncing an unknown name.  You might even tell about an earthquake or hurricane from the story of a dog as opposed to the normal perspective of its human owner.  Be creative if you want!
Your response must be a minimum of 200 words.  Please put your response directly into your discussion reply so that fellow students can easily read it without needing to open an attachment.   You must note the situation and the perspective at the end of your post.
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