
Short Response: Exploring the Mysteries of Europa

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Students will be watching presentations, completing reading assignments, and joining in a discussion during the class.  In addition, students will be asked to provide written responses to four prompts directly related to the module materials.
There are four Short Response assignments for the course.  Each Short Response assignment has its own prompt and addresses a different topic related to the class.  For each of the four Short Response assignments:
• The student must follow the specific guidance of the prompt.
• The student’s response must be between 200 and 300 words in total length.
• The student must use proper grammar, spelling and syntax, but there is no specific “style” requirement (MLA, APA, etc.).
• The student is only allowed one attempt.  Edit and proof-read work carefully prior to submission.
• The student must submit the short response as a Word document.
Response Prompt
For this short response, imagine that we can break some of the laws of physics or use some futuristic technologies.  If you could visit any object in our solar system, what would it be and why?  Your response should be 200-300 words in length.
• Clearly identify the specific object (planet, moon, asteroid, comet, etc.) by name and general location within the solar system.
• Discuss why you chose the object.  For example–What makes this object interesting to you?  What would you hope to see or do there?  Are there questions you think your visit might help to answer?  Include relevant details about the object from the course as part of that discussion.  If you choose to include any additional details from outside the course, cite the source(s). Note: citations are not part of the word-count requirement!

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