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“The Importance of Recognizing and Mitigating Physical Hazards in the Workplace”

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We use chemicals both in the industry workplace and in our daily lives. Some products are from chemicals such as plastics, paints, pharmaceuticals, and detergents. They may appear to be harmless but result in injury or adverse reactions after prolonged exposure after a period. Chemical agents mainly contribute to occupational diseases classified by target organ systems, such as respiratory, skin diseases, and cancers. The relationship between exposure in a working environment occurs among exposed persons with several exposures above the average morbidity of the rest of the working population (1).  
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) provides a clear definition of physical hazards, stating that they are workplace agents, factors, or certain circumstances that can cause tissue damage by transferring energy from the agent to the person. This definition underscores the importance of recognizing and mitigating these hazards, which can be found in various work environments, including construction sites, factories, and offices (2). 
Examples include electrical hazards, tripping hazards, and ergonomic hazards. Ergonomic hazards are applied sciences concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that they and things interact most efficiently and safely. It is important to identify hazards in the workplace so they may be controlled or eliminated. Control measures include actions to reduce exposure to the hazard (3).
John Wah Lim, David Koh; Chemical Agents that Cause Occupational Diseases: 21 February 2014

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