
Title: Counseling Culturally Diverse Youth: Ethical Considerations and Interventions

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There will be individual presentations. You will present on a special population or topic in counseling. You may choose one of the topics below or a topic of your choosing that is approved by the instructor. In addition to your textbook, you are expected to use at least 5 additional scholarly resources (journal articles, books, videos, DVDs, etc.). Make sure you include ethical/legal considerations about your topic. 
Cross-areas to consider for presentation:
Ethical considerations
Multicultural considerations
Counseling interventions
Salient issues for the particular population
Each individual will present a media presentation around a PowerPoint, Prezi, or VoiceThread. The presentation may include handouts, poster boards, video/DVD, or any other visual aid. (Make a Word document.). Creativity is highly recommended and will be reflected in your grade. I would also like electronic copies of the materials used, such as handouts, PowerPoint, etc. 
The grading of this presentation will be based on the following: 
Creativity (including utilization of different presentation tools) = 3 points 
Content/use of resources (at least five scholarly sources) = 7 points
Collaboration (equal distribution of tasks) = 3 points
Presentation Skills (including interactions with audience) = 2 points
Possible Topics:
Counseling Culturally Diverse People
Counseling Persons with Disabilities
Spirituality in Counseling
Counseling LGBT Persons
Youth at Risk
Childhood Disorders
Adult Disorders
Family interventions
Adventure-based counseling
Creative therapies
The title slide and reference slide should be separate from the 9 slides.
Please provide enough information; I have to do a voiceover over the PowerPoint. 
Also, when doing the PowerPoint, you can use bullet points or whatever you would like to use but could you also provide me with a document with information on the side about the bullet points so that I can read it while doing my voiceover and know exactly what I’m talking about? Do you understand this part?

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