Sex and culture

Title: Exploring the Intersection of Economy, Gender Norms, and Sexuality in Different Cultures

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Module 5 – 
For ANT and PSY students, discuss what this quote from the Forward of Beautiful Flowers of the Maquiladoras means. Hint focus on who the “we” in the sentence refers to: “Provisioned and clothed, surrounded by the production of their hands and their lives, complicit in their exploitation through patterns of consumption, mutual fund investments, retirement funds, and an acquiescence to US immigration, we know the fates of these women and their families by an abstraction that offers no comfort to those for whom this work in good faith presumes to speak.”
Discuss what working class white men say about African-American men and their jobs in the article, (In)Secure Times by Fine et. al.
Module 6
Based on the readings, write about how the economy shapes your gender norms and ideas about sexuality.
2. Discuss why virginity is no longer “valuable” in the current Spanish or U.S. economic system.
Module 7
For Db: PSY students:
1) Abulugod suggests that the sexual practice of the defloration of the virgin is an ‘ethnic practice’ among Bedouins. In other words the way they consummate marriage marks them as a distinct people from other groups of people. Do you think that dominant American culture has any sexual practices that mark us as a people? Explain your answer.
2) Discuss those conversations in U.S. culture that young people you know have that could be considered ‘homoerotic.
Module 8
Discuss how the way this piece is written influences your idea of the practices
2) Why might some homosocial groups such as sports teams and fraternities engage in these behaviors?

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