Employee welfare

Title: Improving Mental Health Wellness Checks: Exploring Program Enhancements Research Question: What program enhancements can be implemented to encourage individuals to engage in mental health wellness checks? 1. Yes, the problem is encapsulated in a single question.

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What kind of programs can be improved apon to encourage mental health wellness checks……..
Is the problem encapsulated in a single question?
Is it clear that this problem can be approached through social science research (instead of theoretical or speculative reasoning or natural science methodology)?
What biases do you have as you study this problem? This is important to consider because you will need to continually examine your questions and methods for bias throughout the semester.
If you were going to study this problem for real, could it be accomplished with reasonable expenditure of time and money?
Does it have potential for providing important information? Good research problems are usually more complex than yes/no questions.
Is it focused enough that you could design a research proposal that would address your question and provide answers?
Write your research question as the heading of your research journal. Evaluate if your question is viable and important by answering the six questions above. Identify and briefly summarize at least two previous academic research studies that examined this topic.

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