
Title: “Innovative Marketing Plan for Kitchen Furniture in Switzerland: Leveraging Trends, Consumer Research, and Distribution Strategies”

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Prepare a presentation: Marketing plan You are the marketing manager of the company, which produces Kitchen furniture 1. What is the business value of your product category in Switzerland
Come up with a brief market analysis in the presentation. Pay attention on the market research tools, discussed during the lecture.
2. Develop an innovative concept out of your product which will fit to the given trend.
Apply methodology of consumer research, trend- and innovation management shown in this lecture.
Please show in detail your way of working.
3. Come up with a distribution model to bring your innovative concept to the market
Your task is planning to sell successfully your products next year in a country from the task sheet. Show up, how you intent to reach your customers. Pay special attention on the country specific market requirements and opportunities
4. Show, how your proposal can be enhanced with Ideas of Peter Kreutz. Be sharp and focused – your enhancement must be reliable.
Your presentation time is not less than 10 minutes, not more than 15 minutes sharp.
Ranking criteria: Appropriate use of methodology and creativity, business relevance, completeness
To be presented in Microsoft *.ppt format. Other media only if approved.

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