Strength and conditioning

Title: Microcycle Charts for Division 1 Softball Team Training

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Make 3 microcycles charts 1, for off season, 1 for pre season and 1 for in season using the chart that is attactched down below. 
(i.e., must have different goals,
%1RM, and exercises). An excel template will be provided and is required to be used for
this assignment.
The sport is a Divsion 1 softball team. 
Components required in the template for each 1-week sample:
Goal for that microcycle
Warm-up (dynamic) and cooldown/stretching protocol
Frequency of RT/aerobic/SAQ/Plyos
List specific exercises in an appropriate order. Exercises should change to meet the needs
of each microcycle and workouts cannot be repeated in the same chart or other
microcycles (# of exercises should be appropriate for the season).
Rest periods
Should also include sample programming for either Plyos or SAQ (could have both).
May be included in a sample microcycle (Be sure to include sets, reps, and rest as a part
of the programming).

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