
Title: Ownership and Access on the Internet

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A. Internet Ownership?
The internet is not really owned by anyone, and yet, it is owned by everyone! What do you think that means? If the internet is not really owned by anyone, does that mean everyone has the same access to information across the world? Why or why not? Do you think there are other issues to consider when thinking about internet management and use? What issues would those be?
B. Open Access and Creative Commons
10.9: Critical Thinking Open access as a concept sounds great! These are resources you can access freely online. The internet was created to support sharing information freely. But just because you can access a resource freely doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want with that resource, right? There is copyright to consider. What can’t you do with a resource that you can access freely? It may help to think about YouTube videos. You can access those freely. Can you download them freely? Can you edit them? Should you be able to?

In your initial post, choose prompt A or prompt B. Clearly state which one you are responding to, then please share your ideas. I’d like it if you bring in support from resources you found online. 

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