
Title: “The Benefits of Traditional Schooling: Why It Outweighs Homeschooling”

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Please complete the outline template first with the persuasive topic:
Why is traditional schooling better than homeschooling.
1. Facts
2. Pros
3. Area’s the promote homeschooling over the traditional schooling
With at least 5 sources
Length: 5-7 minutes/ Time your speech out before you give it to make sure you fall within the time limits.
References: APA Format 5 references must have a variety of sources (e-books, websites, journals, books, magazines, etc.)
Purdue Online Writing Lab ( will help you with the APA format for your sources.
Do not use anything that has wiki in it as a source or anything that the regular person can change.
When citing a reference in your speech say the reference don’t just state facts or statistics without a reference.
Persuasive Speeches will be held on April 24, 2024
PowerPoint Presentation required
• Information on how to submit your PowerPoint and upload your speech video into canvas are listed in the assignment.
• You will have a PowerPoint to show as a visual aid for your Persuasive Presentation
o You can use a PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Slides to present your presentation
o PowerPoint must have a minimum of 5 slides with text in bullet format
o Pictures need to be included in PowerPoint
o You DO NOT have to show your PowerPoint while recording your speech (I will pull up the PowerPoint on my end once submitted and watch your speech
video as I go through your PowerPoint when grading

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