Political science : Government

Title: The Debate on Income Inequality, Poverty, and Socialism: A Biblical Perspective on Easing Poverty

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Over the last decade, debate has raged over income inequality, poverty, wealth, and socialism.
Much of this debate has centered on the two competing systems of socialism and capitalism.
Describe some of the facets of this debate, then, using the paradigm of the two visions of
government and what you have learned so far from For the Least of These, analyze the various
positions and synthesize what you believe to be the most biblical and most effective approach to
easing poverty.
 At least five pages, not including the cover page and bibliography.
 Current APA style
 At least five scholarly sources
 Acceptable sources include peer-reviewed journals, law journals, government data, the
Bible, and relevant authoritative books. Other media, such as blog entries or think tank
articles, may be used sparingly.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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