Employee Benefits

Title: The Impact of Employee Benefits on Organizational Performance: A Case Study Analysis

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The research paper should incorporate the concepts and principles related to the study of Employee Benefits covered within the course. The organization, and/or training issue, that you choose must have enough written about it in order for you to do an in-depth analysis. All papers should be proofread, free of spelling/grammatical errors, include proper citations, and be in accordance with current APA standards. A minimum of three (3) scholarly references are required. The paper must be uploaded to Moodle (by the required due date) and assembled as follows:
• Cover sheet (Subject, Title, Course Number, and Name).
• A total 5-6 pages (numbered), double-spaced (12-point font: TNR). The paper must be written in “3rd person.”
• Margins: Top & Left (1.0 inches); Bottom & Right (1.0).

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