Artificial Intelligence

Title: “The Impact of Neural Networks in Healthcare: Advantages, Limitations, and Future Developments”

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In brief, this paper should be focused on a specific segment of AI – e.g. Machine
Learning, Neural Networks, Speech Recognition, Face Recognition, etc. — and their
advantages, disadvantages, usage, as well as impact on business or society, and
possible future developments/applications. 
I want to select the Neural Networks with an example of its application in healthcare (maybe Medical Imaging sector). 
I will provide some articles for references – I have compiled partial info that may interest this assignment in a word document with the APA format reference.  
You can choose at least one article to include in the references and use some info from them. Otherwise, internet resources are fine as a source for this assigment.  (SEE WORD DOC ATTACHMENT)
1) Briefly define the selected AI field/technology/AI-based information system, 
2) describe its advantages, benefits, negatives or risks, 
3) specify how it is used
today (if possible, please, try to find a real-world case study), and also 
4) focus on possible trends and future developments. 
• The paper should have approximately 6 pages of text (excluding the cover
page and references), and may be divided by titles / subtitles into four main
sections and even subsections. 
• You should use at least 4 credible sources;
Example of the content STRUCTURE 
1 Definition of Neural Networks 
2 Pros and Cons 
a. advantages 
b. limitations 
c. risks 
3 Usage 
a. healthcare 
b. decision-making in business 
c. specific example (based on case study| 
4 Future developments and applications

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