Minority Relations

Title: The Interplay between Assimilation and Exclusion: Connecting Lee & Bean (2004) and England (2010/2014)

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Format: Each paper should be 2-3 pages in length, double-spaced with 1” margins and in Times New Roman 12-point font. Examples of what I expect will be provided.
Connection: Discuss how one or more concepts or theories (e.g., group threat) presented in a previous week inform(s) or relate(s) to one or more readings in a current week (e.g., assimilation or exclusion). You must discuss at least one reading from a previous week and at least one reading for the current week. Be sure to clearly identify which readings you are connecting and from which weeks those readings were selected. For example, if you wanted to connect readings on ethnicity and racial formation (Week 2) to tools of dominance (Week 4), you would have to compare and contrast (i.e., connect) 2+ readings from these two weeks (at least 1 reading from each week). 
PLEASE USE THE PDF FILES ATTATCHED FOR THE WHOLE PAPER. There is also an exmaples paper as well. 
Week 10: Lee & Bean (2004) AND Week 15: England (2010/2014) will be provided to you and need to be connected using the articles and sourced. Thank you.

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