
Title: Unpacking My Feminist Consciousness: A Critical Self-Reflection Title: “Intersectional Feminism: Examining the Impact of Race, Class, and Gender on Women’s Activism”

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Critical Self Reflection: Feminism
One of the ways that we can move forward and make social change is to engage in critical self-reflection (Lorde 1984). By engaging in this process, we acknowledge that all knowledge is partial and that it is produced under and within particular social conditions. This is to say that we are products of our social circumstances. The act of critical self-reflection, and it is a conscious act, demands an interrogation of ourselves as complex identities produced through and in particular social, historical, political, and cultural locations. It demands the recognition of our multiple positionalities and experiences as advantaged/disadvantaged and oppressor/oppressed (Narayan 1988). In so doing, we are able to see how our ideas, assumptions, theories and actions, as well as inactions, affect others. Finally, critical self-reflection pushes us to think and act differently. By beginning with ourselves, we are better able to empathize with others. (Bromley 60)
Part 1: Self Reflection (1 page)
In this course, we studied the process of gender socialization. Reflecting upon your own childhood experiences of gender socialization, recount a telling example of your own gender socialization that you think has shaped you. What element of masculinity/femininity did this experience convey.? Is it still relevant to your gender identity today? If yes/no explain. Give a concrete examples of how an early encounter with feminism connects to your own gender socialization. It can be a positive, negative or neutral assessment of feminism.  (1 page)
Part 2 Analysis: The Critical part of the Self Reflection (2-3 pages)
Analyze, through an intersectional feminist framework what you discussed above. Make sure to define what this is and describe how you are employing it to analyze your self- reflection. Include the concepts of situated knowledge and positionality. i.e.. How does your positionality affect the definition/representation of feminism you initially gravitated toward? What is important here is that you demonstrate that you can think critically and describe accurately how experiences of gender socialization may have shaped your attitudes to feminisms. How have various intersecting aspects of your identity (gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, etc.) influenced your feminist consciousness or lack thereof? Identify and unpack any blind spots, internalized biases, or resistances you may have towards feminism.
Keep these questions in mind while you write the analysis part of the critical self-reflection.
Why do masculine and feminine characteristics, when viewed through binary thinking, continue to hold so much power in our culture? What are the limits of binary categorizations for understanding everyday experiences? What are the deficits in this type of either/or analysis? How does an intersectional lens demonstrate these limitations? How does a Feminist understanding of power differ from the conception of power in Patriarchy? Who benefits from such definitions and how? What are the negative stereotypes of feminism and feminists? Where do they come from? What is their purpose? Why is feminism subject to ongoing backlash? 
Format and Length: You are required to submit your assignment via Canvas.  No emailed assignments will be accepted. Length: 3-4 pages, double spaced, ~250 word/page. Your document should be in word or pdf format. The bibliography or list of resources does not count towards the page count. Remember to proofread your work and cite appropriately. Adhering to the length and format is part of the assignment.
Citations: This assignment only requires that you consult the class texts, notes, and videos. You must indicate where you are taking the concept, theory, key term etc. and whether it is associated with a particular thinker. Use in-text citation (Author, Date, p#)) to indicate from where this idea is coming. This is particularly important if you quote directly from the texts (i.e. Author’s last name, P# ).  Failure to properly cite sourced information is plagiarism and a violation of the Honor Code which will result in a failing grade. Provide a list of references on a separate page that indicates which class texts and videos you have referenced in your paper. Do not include any texts of videos, you did not cite in your paper (Does not count toward page count).
Cite directly from “Feminism Matter Debates Theories Activism by Victoria L. Bromley.
Since this assigment is based off a past critical refelction that I wrote I will attact the file and write the essay based off that. If you feel like what I wrote isn’t detailed enough feel free to add in made up details or completly change the topic to something that you thinkn would fit in.
When wriitng this essay the most important part is Analyze, through an intersectional feminist framework.

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